The Council has found the following links to be helpful for Council members and/or consumers. To suggest additional links, please send them to

Alliance for Strong Families and Communities

The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities is an international nonprofit association representing more than 350 child- and family-serving organizations. Alliance members serve more than 5 million individuals annually in more than 2,000 communities, providing a vast array of services ranging from residential care to domestic abuse prevention and intervention. The Alliance formed in October 1998 when Family Service America (established 1911) and the National Association of Homes and Services for Children (established 1975) merged. They then took the name The Alliance for Families and Children.

Connecticut Voices for Children

Connecticut Voices for Children, Inc. is a statewide, citizen-based membership organization established in September, 1995. Founded to help citizens become even better advocates for the well-being of children and youth in all of Connecticut's communities, CVC works to ensure that every child in Connecticut enters school ready to learn, graduates ready to work, and is safe and healthy.

Council on Accreditation (COA)

Council on Accreditation (COA)
An international, independent, not-for-profit, child- and family-service and behavioral healthcare accrediting organization. Evaluates organizations using best practice standards.

United Way of Connecticut

United Way of Connecticut operates the statewide 24 hour information and referral service known as Infoline, manages the State Employees campaign for charitable giving and unites the 25 local United Ways in their efforts to organize their local communities.

Child Welfare League of America

CWLA is a powerful coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies that since 1920 has worked to serve children and families who are vulnerable. Their expertise, leadership and innovation on policies, programs, and practices help improve the lives of millions of children across the country.

National Association of State Associations for Children (NOSAC)

NOSAC is a national organization made up of State Associations who represent children and children services.  Their purpose and mission is to facilitate networking and to share information among its member associations. 

Government Links