CCFSA is a network of 11 independent non-profit organizations that work to strengthen families across the state.

Call CCFSA at 1-800-505-9000 for more information. Help is available.

Strengthening Connecticut's Families

CCFSA collectively serves more than 100,000 families, making us one of the largest associations of community-based human services for children, adults and families. All members are nonprofit human service agencies. Together we form a collaborative statewide system of support for all phases of family life, working with government and philanthropy to meet our mission.


The Connecticut Council of Family Service Agencies, Inc. is a network of eleven independent non-profit agencies across the state that work to strengthen families, individuals, and communities in Connecticut. Our member agencies offer a variety of services, from child care to adoption and foster care services, behavioral health counseling, and food distribution. A full list of services can be found here or on the individual agency websites.

Good Work Wednesday!